What we doThe WEL Programme

The WEL programme

What is TheWEL?

Many of us would benefit from learning how we might better support our wellbeing and levels of wellness.

TheWEL is a multiple award-winning way which enables people to achieve radical, progressive, self-sustaining shifts in their health and wellbeing.

Following a new map of health, people learn to move themselves in the opposite direction of today’s epidemics of long-term conditions. This impact is founded on activation of self-sustaining self-care, that in turn taps the well of our innate strengths for healing, health and happiness.

When is our next WEL programme?

Funded by Health and Social Care Partnership, we are delivering free WEL programmes in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

If you are interested in the WEL, then please get in touch by emailing admin@communityrenewal.org.uk


What would it take to create a WEL Neighbourhood?

This is the question that has captured our imagination since the initial conversation with The Wel charity almost 2 years ago. Our common dream would be of growing a grassroots movement with knowledge and experience of TheWel journey that would gradually permeate the entire neighbourhood through a team of connectors and facilitators who already had a locus and relationships in place. Eventually this might touch the GP practice, the school, the faith communities as well as the groups and associations who work to promote a thriving place to live.

To take this forward we have taken the practical steps of offering Community Renewal staff the opportunity to participate in a StaffWEL programme which had a tremendous impact on them. Next steps include some of these staff participating in Therapeutic Encounter training, taking up the opportunity to be mentored in their personal WEL journey and exploring the possibility of training as WEL facilitators.

Community Renewal is concentrating much of its efforts on specific neighbourhoods where we will seek to provide a tailored set of embedded support to transform the community from deprivation to a thriving place to live. These neighbourhoods will include:

  • Govanhill in South East Glasgow
  • Ardrossan in North Ayrshire
  • Torry in Aberdeen
  • Elgin in Morayshire
  • Muirhouse, Leith  and Bingham/Magdalene in Edinburgh

We would like to begin the discussion now around what it might take to evolve a WEL neighbourhood.