This section of training videos was created for health professionals and features advice from experienced practitioners on how to go about engaging harder to engage groups in health activities.
In the short films below we explore how best to engage:
In this video we hear from John Dalrymple, Chief Executive of Neighbourhood Networks, and Donna , a Community Living Worker on what works best when engaging adults with learning disabilities.
In this video we gain insight from Asia Ali, the mental health coordinator of the REACH project who works to improve the health of people of the BME communities in Glasgow.
in this video we learn from Sandra Kelly, staff nurse at NHS Lanarkshire who has been working on an initiative to engage homeless people in the Keep Well Screening Programme
Here we learn from Heather Craig of NHS Lanarkshire about her experience in engaging Gypsy Traveller families.
Dr. John Montgomery talks about the importance in teamwork in attempting to engage patients with a history of non-attendance. in this innovative pilot Community Renewal staff visited patients who were in danger of developing complications relating to the management of their diabetes.
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