Reports & Evaluations

Evaluation of Craigmillar Health Case Management Project 2011 - 2012

In this section:

Commisioned by Edinburgh Community Health Partnership to address health inqualities in Craigmillar, Community Renewal was subcontracted to deliver our case management service for 1 year.

The approach focuses on the 10% of the population regarded as being highly vulnerable with “multiple life-wrecking” issues that may need input from a number of agencies. The aim is to support the client with one worker – the Health Case Manager who can co-ordinate this input.

This evaluation of the project was carried out by Dr.  Janine Thoulass, Public Health Consultant and was published in 2013.

Evaluation of Craigmillar Health Case Management Project

This evaluation was carried out By Dr.  Janine Thoulass, Public Health Consultant. The evaluation was published in 2013.


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