About UsOur StaffSenior Management

Senior Management

Kathryn Bradley Marketing and Communications Manager Glasgow

To contact Kathryn for marketing or press enquiries, including requests for interviews please call 07732 084 595 or email kathryn.bradley@communityrenewal.org.uk

Suzanne Bell Regional Director - West and HR Manager Glasgow

To contact Suzanne email Suzanne@communityrenewal.org.uk

John Halliday CEO
John leads Community Renewal Trust, managing the other members of the Senior Management Team and leading on external communications. To contact John, please email john.halliday@communityrenewal.org.uk or call 07738760598.
Sharon Dennett Finance Manager Glasgow

Email sharon.dennett@communityrenewal.org.uk

Phone 07513 480194

Fran Armour Director of Development


07701 380 928

It is about compassionate listening, creating stories, challenge and change