Based on over twenty years of work at the frontline in deprived neighbourhoods and working to develop policies and ideas, Community Renewal Trust’s vision is for a Scotland without persistent poverty or inequity.

Our mission is to learn and share how to lift people, families, and neighbourhoods out of poverty using our whole-person and whole-neighbourhood approaches.

Our values lead everything we do.


We are:

TRUSTING – Our impact is built on choosing to place trust in people.
TRUSTWORTHY – Our trustworthiness is what makes our relationships grow
LEARNING – Our charity is about learning so we celebrate success but also appreciate failure
BUILDING ON STRENGTHS – Our aim is always to build on strengths: we reject paternalism
ALONGSIDE COMMUNITIES – Our aim is always to stay alongside people for as long as it takes.
ACHIEVING PREVENTION – Our choice is to be proactive so we can achieve prevention, build resilience and find the right people.
INSPIRING TRANSFORMATION – Our focus is always inspiring towards transformation, rather than incremental change.

Our approach is summarised in the following two diagrams:

We try not to focus on taking credit and counting our outcomes – life is too complex for that. Instead, we think about values, behaviours and inspiring transformation in the people, families and communities we are alongside. However, we are asked to measure some of our key statistics and are proud of how much we achieve together with community members and our partners.

Below is a snapshot of some of our statistics for the last year: